Calgary-based Marvel Biosciences Corp. is partnering with the FRAXA Research Foundation to evaluate potential therapies to help people with autism, Alzheimer's, and other brain (neurological) conditions.
- Other type of event
Professional, scientific and technical services
Added on 2024-08-13
Calgary Region, AB
ATMA Journey Centers Inc. is starting clinical trials in Q3 2024 to evaluate psilocybin-assisted therapy in treating depression in mental healthcare professionals, following regulatory approvals. ATMA has partnered with KGK Science, a clinical research company, on the Canada-wide trials.
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-05-22
Calgary Region, AB
The University of Calgary is partnering with the Calgary Board of Education and Converge Mental Health Coalition to launch a project to enhance mental health support within educational settings. The professional learning series will run as a pilot at the school level in summer 2024.
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-05-09
Calgary Region, AB
The United Nurses of Alberta and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees have filed applications for a union certification vote on behalf of approximately 24 employees at AgeCare Glenmore in Calgary. The employees provide direct nursing care or nursing instruction at the facility.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-04-22
Calgary Region, AB
Alberta Health Services is opening a new mental health services building in Didsbury.
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-04-15
Calgary Region, AB
The Taylor Family Foundation is contributing $20M to the University of Calgary to support a new state-of-the-art facility for the faculty of kinesiology. It will be the new home for the Human Performance Lab, a multidisciplinary centre that explores mobility and longevity.
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-03-19
Calgary Region, AB