How can Job Bank help you find a job?
We have a great variety of jobs
Over one million new jobs in the private and public sectors are advertised on Job Bank every year, and thousands every day.
We offer flexible tools
On Job Bank, you are in control. We offer a variety of tools and services that can simplify every step of your job search. Our tools give you the flexibility you need to find the right jobs... Or to let them come to you.
We’re trusted
We make sure Job Bank is safe and reliable for everyone. No wonder why so many Canadians trust it. Over 270,000 employers use Job Bank and around 200,000 job seekers visit it every day.
Let us show you how it works.
Job Search Browse through jobs
Over 80,000 jobs are currently on Job Bank! Simply enter a job title and location (or other keywords), and a list of results will appear.
Too many results? Use the filters to narrow them down and find exactly what you are looking for. For even more precise results, you can use our Advanced Search.
Job Alerts Get notified of new jobs
New jobs are advertised on Job Bank every day. To keep up, let new jobs that match your interests come to you by email through Job Alerts.
Just do a search, click on “Create an alert with this search” and enter your email address. After that, you’ll get emails notifying you of new jobs matching your search criteria once a day.
You can modify your alerts, create new ones or unsubscribe at any time.
Mobile App Look for jobs on the go
Always on the go? Try the Job Bank Mobile App to look for jobs on mobile.
You can:
- Scroll or swipe through all jobs advertised on Job Bank, or see who’s hiring near you.
- Create alerts for your search and get notifications when matching jobs are advertised.
- Add jobs that interest you to your favourites to view them offline and get reminder notifications before they expire.
The app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Job MatchBe matched to jobs that suit you
Cut down on your job search time even further and only see jobs that you are actually qualified for with Job Match.
Job Match links your profile to advertised jobs, based on how well your experience and skills meet their requirements.
First, you have to create your own user account.
You’ll need:
- Your social insurance number.
- Your mother’s maiden name or parent’s last name at birth.
- Your birth date.
You will only have to submit this information once to confirm your eligibility. The same is asked from employers, to keep Job Match safe for everyone.
Once you’ve created your user account, you can set up your Job Match profile!
- First, select your preferences in terms of languages and locations.
- Then, fill in your profile details with your qualifications, work experience and education. No need to write anything!
- Just pick from thousands of pre-defined options.
You’ll get updates whenever new jobs matching your profile are advertised. Plus, employers will be able to preview your profile and invite you to apply.
Resume Builder Prepare to apply for a job
Finding a job that suits you is one thing, applying for it is another one. Job Bank can also help with that.
When you create a Job Match profile, you automatically get access to a pre-filled resume through the Resume Builder.
You can:
- Pick a template that fits your needs
- Customize the content
- Download, print and save as many resumes as you want
You’ll also find practical tips and tricks.
Sign up today!
Sign up for a Plus account to access all the tools available on Job Bank and get the most out of your job search.
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