Summary Metallurgical Engineer in Canada
Find key facts and figures about working as a metallurgical engineer. The following information is applicable to all Metallurgical and materials engineers (NOC 21322).
Metallurgical and materials engineers conduct studies of the properties and characteristics of metals and other non-metallic materials and plan, design and develop machinery and processes to concentrate, extract, refine and process metals, alloys and other materials such as ceramics, semiconductors and composite materials. They are employed in consulting engineering firms, mining, metal processing and manufacturing companies, and in government, research and educational institutions.
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This occupation usually requires a university degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate).
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Median wage in Canada
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The job prospects vary across Canada depending on the province or territory.
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2 jobs
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- Product Design
- Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment
- Preventative Maintenance
- Decision Making
- Numeracy
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