Summary Deputy Sheriff in the South Coast–Burin Peninsula Region
Find key facts and figures about working as a deputy sheriff. The following information is applicable to all Sheriffs and bailiffs (NOC 43200).
Sheriffs execute and enforce court orders, warrants and writs, participate in seizure and sale of property and perform courtroom and other related duties. Bailiffs serve legal orders and documents, seize or repossess properties, evict tenants and perform other related activities. Sheriffs and bailiffs must usually complete a training program offered by the province to work in the provincial courts. They are employed by federal, provincial, territorial and municipal courts, and bailiffs may be employed as officers of the court or in private service as agents for creditors.
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Post-secondary or apprenticeship
This occupation usually requires a college diploma (community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP), an apprenticeship training of less than 2 years, or more than 6 months of on-the-job training.
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Median wage in Newfoundland and Labrador
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The job prospects vary across Canada depending on the province or territory.
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0 jobs
advertised in Newfoundland and Labrador
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- Decision Making
- Oral Communication: Active Listening
- Negotiating
- Social Perceptiveness
- Problem Solving
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